Rayaz A. Malik, BSc. (Hons), MSc., MB ChB, PhD, FRCP
Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar
Prof Rayaz Malik is a graduate of Medicine from the University of Aberdeen in 1991, obtained his MRCP in 1996, PhD from the University of Manchester in 1997 and was elected to become a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2007.
He was appointed as Consultant Physician and Senior Lecturer in 2001 and as Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician in 2008 in Central Manchester University Teaching Hospitals and the University of Manchester.
He was appointed as Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar and New York in 2014 and retains a position as Honorary Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician in Manchester.
His research focuses on the pathogenesis, assessment and treatment of diabetic neuropathy and cardiomyopathy, which is funded by the NIH, JDRF and DUK. He was called to provide expert advice to NICE on diabetic gastroparesis and painful diabetic neuropathy in 2014.
He was the President of Neurodiab (the diabetic neuropathy study group of the EASD) from 2009-2012.
He is an associate editor for Diabetic Medicine (2006 to present); J of Diabetes and its Complications (2012-present) BMC Neurology (2009-present) and Advances in Therapy (2009-present).
He is on the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Complications and Clinical Investigation Research Committee (2005-present) and served on the MRC Clinical Translational research panel from 2012-2014.