Breakout Group D

D1 Leadership Models for Co-Producing Joy in Work

D1 Leadership Models for Co-Producing Joy in Work

D2 The Kindness Movement

D3 Leadership Behaviors in Developing a Culture of Safety

D5 Understanding Capability Relating to Goals

D6 Quarterly Performance Review Meeting at health centers - A roadmap to Continuous Improvement

D7 The Implementation of Quality Management To Improve Patient Safety by Preventing Medication Errors

D8 Reduction of Blood transfusion in anemic cardiac surgical patients on cardiopulmonary bypass

D9 Oral QI Presentations on Flow, Safety, Value Improvement (Session D)

D10 Oral QI Presentations on Population Health

D11 Tying Shoes Saves Lives

WHO Collaborating Center for Healthy Aging and Dementia

WHO Collaborating Center for Healthy Aging and Dementia

Plenary 3

Trust as a Determinant of Health

Breakout Group E

E1 Care outside the hospital walls - Population Health panel

E2 The underappreciated roles of Epidemiology and Public Health in Quality Improvement

E3 Culture is the Foundation of Safety

E4 Leadership Walkarounds

E5 Healthcare Reform: Performing the Intravitreal Injection Procedure in an Outpatient Setting

E6 Reducing Costs thru the Application of Lean Tool (Modified Kanban System) in HGH Storerooms

E7 Improving team communication between nurses and electronic preoperative tracking tool for intensive care

E8 Business Case for Quality Improvement

E9 Oral QI Presentations on Person-Centered Care

E10 Oral QI Presentations from International Experiences

E11 Cancer Civil Society Organizational Framework for Ensuring Equitable Person-Centered Cancer Control and Securing a Safety Net for People Living with Cancer

Global Session

The next 10 years of health and care around the world, what does the future hold?

Breakout Group F

F1 Common language, common method - QI in pursuit of the Population Health

F2 Human Factors: How to Connect Humans with Systems for Better Culture and Better Performance

F3 Joy in work to support a resilient and vibrant workforce able to provide best care for all

F5 Holding the Gains, Implementing & Spreading Improvement

F6 Opportunistic Health Screening of Asymptomatic Teenagers in a Community Setting in Qatar

F7 Launching the First Experience Of Quality Training in Undergraduate Medical Education at the National

F8 The Qatar Covid-19 Diabetes Program: Person-Centered Diabetes Management during the Pandemic

F9 Oral QI Presentations on Improvement Science (Session A)

F10 Oral QI Presentations on Improvement Science (Session B)

Poster Awards Ceremony

Poster Awards Ceremony

Plenary 4

Scotland - a history and a future of innovation in healthcare quality

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks