Dr. Sanjeev Bhoi
Program Director, ICCESS
Professor, Département of Emergency Médicine
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. Bhoi graduated as a university gold medalist and is currently a professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). He received the prestigious Micheal Moles fellowship from World association of disaster and emergency medicine (WADEM) at Victoria, Canada, 2009 and served for two year as Director, board of directors of WADEM in May 2013.

He is trained in point of care ultrasound and has created AIIMS Ultrasound trauma life support course, AIIMS Disaster Ultrasound, AIIMS Emergency sonography course, and acute care sonography for nurses. He has created AIIMS Disaster Ultrasound program and has been training doctors, nurses, and paramedics. These courses are running across the country as well as Nepal, Srilanka and Iran, United Kingdom and USA.

Dr Bhoi has started AIIMS community emergency care initiative since December 2009 and his tam has trained 15000 medical and non-medical personnel including defense and paramilitary forces on basic emergency care since 2009 across 15 states in the country. Dr Bhoi has authored CPR chapter for school curriculum of India from 7th standards. He currently is the lead for WHO Collaboration on strengthening emergency care in the primary healthcare setting in the South East Asian region.

He is leading the translational research in Trauma hemorrhagic shock and working on prognostic and therapeutic models. Under his leadership three PhD has graduated in Trauma Hemorrhagic shock.

Links to Dr Bhoi work

www.aiimsultrasound.com (Program Director)

www.onlinejets.org (Assistant Editor)

www.indusem.com (Co-Director)