Abdel-Naser Elzouki, MBChB, DTM&H, MSc, MD, PhD, FRCP (UK)
Abdel-Naser Elzouki is a Senior Consultant of Internal Medicine. He is Chief of General Internal Medicine, and Fellowship Program Director of General Internal Medicine, Hamad General Hospital at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Doha, Qatar. He holds the position of Professor of Internal Medicine at Al-Arab Medical University and Associate Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College of Qatar. He is the Interim Clerkship Director of Internal Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, Qatar University.
Professor Elzouki has more than 30 years of professional experience and his areas of expertize and clinical interests include: internal medicine, hepatology and gastroenterology, diabetes and metabolic diseases. He has extensive experience in medical education and teaching post-graduate residents and fellows as well as under-graduate medical students. He has received a number of awards and honours and he is an examiner for MRCP-PACES exams of UK and an official Arab board and Libyan board examiner for internal medicine speciality.
Professor Elzouki has published more than 90 articles in peer reviewed medical journals and wrote five book chapters. He is the Editor-in-Chief of LJID and an editorial board member and reviewer to a number of international medical journals. In addition to being a member of many regional and international professional associations and societies, Professor Elzouki is the Secretary General of Mediterranean Association for Study of Liver Disease (MASL), Vis-President of the Mediterranean Task Force for Cancer Control (MTCC), and Vis-President of the Libyan Society of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. He has been invited as a speaker to a number of regional and international conferences and he is the director of series of "Clinical Review Courses for Internal Medicine Board Exams", held regularly in Doha, Tripoli, Benghazi and Muscat; and co-founder and instructor of structured courses and workshops on Medical Professionalism and Communication Skills conducted for residents, fellows and consultants at regular bases in HMC.