Professor Gamal Eldin Esmat, MD (Egypt)
Gamal is Professor of Endemic Medicine and Hepatology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt, Consultant of Liver Transplantation, DAF & Kasr El Aini, and Head of Kasr El Aini Viral Hepatitis Center (2010 - now). He is also a WHO consultant for management of viral hepatitis.
Professor Esmat is the Vice President of Cairo University for graduate studies and research (2012- 2016) and Director of Clinical Research Unit, Hepatitis C Project, International Health Division, University of Maryland Baltimore (2001- present). He is Board Member of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Committee for Viral Hepatitis (STAC - Hep), WHO (2014 - now) and Member of Hepatitis B and C Summit Conferences Association, Luxembourg (2013 - now). He is Board Member of NCCVH and Director of Hepatitis Treatment Centers, NCCVH, MOHP (2006 - now). He is the Director of International Research Unit - NHTMRI, MOHP and Coordinator of Hepatogastroentrology post-graduate courses, NTC, MOH.
Professor Esmat was the President of the International Association for the Study of the Liver (IASL) (2006-2008), Director of Liver Unit, El Manial Specialized Hospital (2000-2004), Director of Schistosomal Liver Unit, Cairo University (2004-2010) and Executive Manager of Liver Center Unit, Cairo University from 1997 till 2002.
Professor Esmat has published many research papers in peer reviewed medical journals and his research fields include: Hepatitis prevention, screening and treatment; Hepatocellular carcinoma; hepatology diseases and living related liver transplantation. He has received many honors and awards including: The Medal of Science and Arts (2010), President of the International Liver Congress, San Francisco (2008), nominated in Marquis Who’s Who biography book as one of the most effective contributors to the field of hepatology (2007), Cairo Physician Excellency Award from Egyptian Medical Syndicate 1998 and graduated with honor from Cairo University School of Medicine in 1979.