Nicolas Ortonne

ORTONNE NICOLAS, born the 1st may 1973 in Oullins (69), France
Married and father of two childs aged of 15 and 11.
Department of Pathology, Paris Est Creteil University & INSERM U955
Hôpital Henri Mondor, 51 avenue maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 94010 Créteil Cedex
Phone : 33 1 49 81 27 38
Mobile phone : 33 6 16 58 00 35
Email :

N Ortonne is currently Prof. at Paris Est réteil University (Université Paris Est Créteil, UPEC), and medical practitioner in Dermatopathology in Henri Mondor hospital (Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, APHP). He is an expert dermatopathologist and is mostly working in the fields of cutaneous lymphomas and neurofibromatosis 1 as a researcher. He received is  M.D. in Medicine (University Paris V-René Descartes) in 2003 and certification in Pathology (University Paris V-René Descartes) in 2002. He obtained a PhD (Doctorat de Science, University Paris 7 Denis-Diderot), in 2008 and the post-Doctoral Degree “ HDR ” in 2014 (Paris-Est University School of Medicine). In 2004, he obtained the European diploma from the European board of Dermatopathology, International Committe for Dermatopathology (ICDP) and was recipient of the Jean Civatte international prize of dermatopathology ("Prix international Jean Civatte de Dermatopathologie") in 2007. He is currently head of the NFL (NeuroFibromatosis and Lymphoma oncogenesis) team (Team Gaulard-Ortonne) of the INSERM 955 unit of the Mondor Biomedical Research Institute (Institut Mondor de recherche Biomédicale, IMRB). He has an internationally recognized experience in the field of cutaneous lymphoma and is an expert pathologist, as well as board member, of the french study group of cutaneous lymphomas (Groupe Français d’étude des lymphomes cutanés, GFELC) labelled by the INCa. He co-authored >260 publications and has deposited 5 patents (INSERM transfert) in 2007, 2013 and 2022 (n=3) in the field of diagnosis and treatment of T-cell lymphomas. He participates to a variety of education trainings for Pathologists (students and practitioners) at the medical level, as well as for Masters and PhD students in biological sciences at the scientific level and has supervised many research projects for students (3 PhD, 7 M2 and 4 M1 since 2008). He gives courses in M1 and M2 programs, as well as teaching for medical students at the Master, Doctoral and Continuing Medical Education levels. In particular he is coordinator of the French diploma of Dermatopathology (Diplome Universitaire de Dermatopathologie, UPEC), of post-universitary courses on cutaneous lymphomas (Société Française de Pathologie) and often welcomes foreign students for specialized formations in dermatopathology (Canada, Portugal; Lebanon, North Africa,...).,.