Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad
Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad is a Board-Certified Senior Consultant in Internal Medicine specialized in Geriatrics. She also completed MSC in Health Care Management from RCSI and Diploma in Senior Clinical Leader’s Program from Harvard University. Dr. Alhmad has worked in HMC in various role. Currently, she is the Medical Director of Rumailah and Qatar Rehabilitation Institute (QRI) and chair of geriatrics and long term care department and Medical director of Rumailah hospital and Qatar Rehab Institute. As a senior Qatari physician, Dr. Hanadi has demonstrated unwavering commitment in providing quality care for patients, promoting research activities and educational programs. In her role as the Chairperson of the Geriatrics Department, she has played crucial role in establishing new and innovative services like memory clinic, Falls Clinic and Acute Care Unit in HMC. She is also a key member in a range of HMC and MOPH committees, the WHO representative for State of Qatar for Elderly People Care, Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) Focal Point, and an Executive member of European Association of Medicine of Ageing. As part of the National Health Strategy 2017-2022 of the Ministry of Public Health, she has been nominated to be the National Lead for the ‘Healthy Ageing’ priority area. In this capacity, she shall oversee the nationwide efforts for improving the health of the above 65-year-old population. This project will have a huge impact on healthcare in Qatar, and over a time of five years, aims to promote active healthy ageing, and improved provision of healthcare services, including preventive, curative, and rehabilitative and end of life care services for the elderly. She is also a Clinical Associate Professor in College of Medicine at Qatar University and Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine in Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar.