Dr. Amer Shammas, MD, FRCPC. - Virtual
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto & Division of Nuclear Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON Canada.

Dr. Amer Shammas acquired his ABNM certification in 2004. He has fellowships in PET/CT and Pediatric Diagnostic imaging. He is affiliated with The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto since 2008 and is the head of nuclear medicine service there since 2015. He has expertise in pediatric nuclear medicine, conventional and hybrid. He has published about 40 papers, 3 book chapters and several presentations to his credit. He is a member of MIBG Therapy in Neuroblastoma and Education/Training Committees. He will talk on Pediatric nuclear medicine topics and will cover:

  1. PET/CT in pediatric malignancies.
  2. Bone scintigraphy in children: Normal pattern and common variants