Wassan Abdulla Al Baker
Wassan Al - Baker is currently the manager of Food Safety and Environmental Health Division at The Ministry of Public Health in Qatar. She is responsible for the management and strategic planning as well as controlling and supervising of food safety activities related to imported, exported and locally produced food. The three major sections under FSEH are Port Health, Environmental Health, and Central Food Lab. Mrs Wassan's qualification includes Bachelor of Science in Zoology – Qatar University, Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Biotechnology, and master’s degree in Medical Biotechnology (Arabian Gulf University). As the Manager of FSEH, Mrs Wassan led the:
- Preparatory work and plans to upgrade Qatar’s food safety system to International Best Practice
- Achievement of ISO 17025.2005 for CFL
- Preparatory work for achievement of ISO 17020 for Inspection Services
- Managed Establishment of Food Safety Authority Project
- Led development of Food Safety Objectives, KPIs & targets in line with Public Health Strategy
- Implementation of Electronic Management System in FSEH
She is involved in the following committees.
- National Joined Committee for Controlling Human Food Consumption
- Public Health Issues of National Health Strategy - Working Group Member
- Member of National Committee of Customs Clearance
- Member of Public Health Strategy Steering Committee
- National Focal Point for INFOSAN