Abdul Wahab Al Musleh, MD, FRCSI, CABS, EMDM
Advisor Consultant to the Minister of Public Health
Deputy Chief Officer for CIS; HMC
Dr. Abdul Wahab Al Musleh is the Deputy Chief Medical officer for Clinical Information Systems at Hamad Medical Corporation. He graduated from Royal college of Surgeon in Ireland in 1988, obtained his FRCS and Arab Board Certificate in Surgery in 1993 and appointed as Chairman of the Emergency Department in 1997 and an Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar.
Dr. Abdul Wahab is leading the Clinical Information Systems Program since April 2012. His function as chief and his key role in the CIS implementation across HMC and PHCC largely contributed to the success of the CIS Program in all transformation phases and continues playing a fundamental role in achieving full CIS Optimization and successful healthcare digitization for Future Model of Care in Qatar.
He is an active member in many clinical and administrative committees throughout HMC and other organizations nationally. He is a standing member of the Medical and Antidoping Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia.
He was the creator and the director of the Hamad International Training Center (HITC). Since its launch in 1999, this center has achieved much in terms of medical training according to international standards. HITC now runs several internationally certified courses including ACLS, MIMMS, BTLS, Pediatric BTLS, ATLS, ALSO and NRP.
Dr. Al Musleh, along with a few of his colleagues in the Gulf region, started a four-year Arab Board Residency Training Program in Emergency Medicine in October 2000. He chaired the Scientific Council of Arab Board Emergency Medicine for the six years.