On arrival at the hospital if you know the ward/room the patient is staying, directional signage will point you to the right location. If the ward/room number where the patient is staying is not known, visit the Nesmaak customer service team to obtain this information. 
If a patient is in an isolation room due to an infectious disease or has been admitted to an Intensive care unit, please contact the nurse in charge of the unit.
Visitor numbers
Patients are permitted to have one or two visitors at a time.
Patient safety
Although we recognize the importance of visitors to our patients, it is important for visitors to understand that some of our patients do not have the ability to fight off infections. If you currently have or if you have been around anyone with any of the following symptoms, we suggest that you do not visit the hospital:  
  • Any kind of viral infection like cold, flu, measles, hepatitis A and chickenpox 
  • Any kind of bacterial infection like upper respiratory tract infection 
  • Any sign and symptoms of infection like vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash and sore throat 
When visiting, please also practice careful hand washing.
Flowers are allowed within the hospital but we request that the arrangements are kept small. Arrangements that are not small can potentially cause a danger to your loved ones.  Flowers and plants are not be permitted in the following patient care areas: 
Intensive care units
Isolation rooms 
Rooms of immunocompromised patients
Food is not permitted to be brought into the hospital. Patients are prescribed special diets based on their treatment plan. External food could have a negative impact on their treatment plan so the hospital reserves the right to refuse deliveries made to patients. 
The following items are not permitted to be brought into the hospital: 
* Pet animals 
* Organic materials 
* Flowers unless they are in small arrangements without thorns or sharp edges 
* Hazardous and flammable materials.
Ample parking is provided for patients and visitors on the grounds of the hospital. 
Smoking restrictions
As per Qatar Law, smoking is prohibited in all public areas including all HMC grounds. All hospitals within HMC are smoke free. This smoking restriction extends to all staff, patients and visitors. Any person(s) smoking in the hospital or on hospital grounds will be asked by security to immediately cease smoking and a fine may be issued. ​