Following an initial screening stage to make sure your submission is complete and complies exactly to the abstract’s format requirements, all submissions will be vetted by an Abstract review Committee that includes an independent panel of judges. Your abstract may be rejected or returned to you if you deviate from the abstract template instructions or do not complete all the fields.

At least three (3) members of the committee will evaluate each abstract.

The final score will be computed using an averaging system and proposals will be ranked accordingly based on the average scores generated from the overall scoring system.

Only the top abstracts with the highest submission scores, in each category, will be shortlisted to proceed to the next level of evaluation

  • Please note that abstracts with the highest scores have an opportunity to be published in a proceedings journal volume, subject to authors' approval.
  • All approved posters will automatically be included in a competition and the winners will receive recognition awards, with a final 'public choice' award going to the poster voted by attendees as their personal preferred poster.​