
Mr. Baha Tomeh

Resuscitation Training Officer

Baha Tomeh is a simulation operations and virtual reality specialist currently working at Itqan Clinical Simulation and Innovation Center. He graduated from Baghdad University with a degree in nursing and worked in the field for seven years. He worked as a nurse educator in the cardiac catheterization laboratory at Jordan University Hospital for four years. Then he worked for about seven years as a Senior Healthcare Simulation Educator, Operations Specialist, and CPR Instructor at King Fahad Medical City (CRESENT), Saudi Arabia. After that worked as a Clinical researcher at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, for a year before transferring to Trillium Health Partners (Canada) as an educator in Cardiac Unit Simulation Center for three years. In 2017, he completed his master's in Teaching, Learning, and Development at Brock University in Canada. In 2018, he finished his post-graduate diploma in Healthcare Clinical Research, receiving the distinction of graduating with honors. 

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