- Indicate if your poster links to a specific category using the drop-down menu provided online.
- Title: Include a title that describes the focus of your story. The title should clearly and succinctly identify the contents of the abstract. Be sure to capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, with the exception of prepositions and articles. Authors: List the corresponding author first, followed by supporting authors listed alphabetically; include titles of each author. List each author and his/her institution on a separate line.
- Affiliations: Please identify any affiliation for which there is a conflict of interest.
- Summative Statement: Provide a brief summary statement of your poster idea that highlights key points from which others can learn.
- Accuracy: you are responsible for the data accuracy and ensuring you have permission to publicize this in a public conference.
- Numbers: Spell out numbers only at the beginning of a sentence. Use zeros before decimal points.
- Symbols: Use only industry standard symbols where applicable.
- Tables and Graphs: Graphs and tables MUST include the source of the data being presented. Titles of tables and graphs MUST include the measure being analyzed. Label all axes.
- Lab or data values: When citing recorded values in your hospital, include units and range for normal.
- Abbreviations: Use the complete term/phrase before including the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses.
- Define your terms clearly and succinctly to avoid confusion.
- Posters will be printed as size A1 portraits – please accommodate this in your design.
- General Tips: Remember that the word ‘data’ is plural and the word ‘datum’ is singular. Avoid use of slang.