• The N&M Clinical Placement & Education (NM-CPEC) is the governing body for learner clinical placement allocation, management, quality assurance and review.
  • The NM-CPEC reports through the Education and Professional Development Committee to the Corporate Nursing and Midwifery Executive Committee.
  • The NM-CPEC was established to initiate and work collaboratively with stakeholders with shared areas of interest and practice to shape nursing and midwifery education, practice, and policy.
  • The NM-CPEC provides a forum for HMC nurses and midwives to participate in discussion, referral and shared decision-making that impacts on learner experiences.
  • The NM-CPEC contributes to the development of a standardized approach to learner placements, and provides a robust structure for identifying, managing, reviewing and agreeing appropriate learner placements across HMC.

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