Saturday 8 October 2016
Location: The Sheraton Hotel, Doha




Mini-Symposium (5): GIM Track: Current Issues in Internal Medicine, From Bench to Bedside (8am to 10.05am)
(Al-Majalis Ballroom)
Chairpersons: A. Jayyuosi (Qatar), K. Alejje (Qatar), A. Alhashemi (Qatar), S. Farouk (Qatar), M. Reshi (Qatar)

8am to 8.20am

The power of the scopes: Digestive endoscopy meet abdominal surgery             

A. Montori (Italy)

8.25am to 8.45am 

Salutogenesis: From disease management to health creation:

H. Kerkkamp (Qatar)

8.50am to 9.10am

Understanding, recognizing and diagnosing Lysosomal Storage Disorders

T. Benomran (Qatar)

9.15am to 9.35am

Management of obesity in 2016

S. Taheri (Qatar)

9.40am to 10am

Management of common thyroid disorders

J. Wass (UK)

10am to 10.05am Q & A

10.05am to 10.30am

Coffee Break and Poster viewing

Mini-symposium (6 ): "Academic Medicine" (10.30am to 12.00pm)
(Al-Majalis Ballroom)
Chairpersons: A. Butt (Qatar), A. Al-Mohammed (Qatar), H. Hamdy (Qatar)                                                           

10.30am to 10.55am 

Physical Examination: Past, present and future                  

A. Elder (UK)

11am to 11.25am 

Postgraduate education in the United Kingdom: clinical and academic aspects

J. Wass (UK)

11.30am to 11.55am

Tips and pitfalls in writing and editing your clinical research manuscript   

D. Taichman (USA)

Research Corner (2): Quality Track Lectures & Free Communications (Oral Presentations) (10.30am to 12pm)
HALL B (Al-Rayaan Ballroom)

Chairpersons: A. Sanjay (UK), S. Eid (USA), H. Kerkkamp (Qatar), N. Masoodi (Qatar), R. Akbar (Qatar)

10.30am to 10.45am


Seven day services in hospitals reduces weekend mortality: the UK perspective

A. Sanjay (UK)

10.50am to 11am

"A sigh of relief in hospital capacity grief" Acute medical assessment follow-up area – safety net for early expedited discharge Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar

M. Zahid, A. Atherya, A. Arshad, R. Sadasivan, A. Zafar, D. Al-Mohanadi

11.02am to 11.12am

Pathway of emergency management of hyperkalemia in adults

J. Sajid, A. Ur Rehman

11.14am to 11.24am

Audit on polypharmacy and drug interactions in patients with advanced liver diseases


A-N Elzouki, S.C. Purayil, R. Imanullah

11.26am to 11.36am

An audit of readmission (within 28 days) to the Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU)

M. Uddin, K. Hedge, A. Kartha

11.38am to 11.48am

Readmission audit in Acute Geriatrics at Hamad General Hospital, Qatar 

N. Kunnunmal, S. Khan, P. Kammadath, A. Abdeghany, H. Alhamad

11.50am to 12pm

Q & A


Keynote Lecture (2): By President of the American College of Physicians (ACP) (12.00pm to 12.30pm)
(Al-Majalis Ballroom)
Chairperson: A. Alkhal (Qatar)                                                                                                                                         

12pm to 12.25pm

Immunization Update                                                                                                            

 N. Damle (USA)

12.25pm to 12.30pm

Q & A

Plenary Lecture (2): (12.30pm to 1pm)
HALL A (Al-Majalis Ballroom)
Chairperson:  M. Al-Maslamani (Qatar)                                                                                                                                

 12.30pm to 12.55pm

Antibiotic prophylaxis and screening for infections

T. Perl (USA)

 12.55pm to 1pm

Q & A

1pm to 1.45pm

Lunch, Prayer Time and Poster view

Sponsored Symposium (3) (by Astrazeneca) Dyslipidemia Management: A Comprehensive Approach (1.45pm to 2.45pm)
(Al-Majalis Ballroom)
Chairperson: A-N Elzouki (Qatar)                                                                                                                                           

1.45pm to 2.10pm 

Use of lipid parameters in managing dyslipidemia

K. Al Rasadi (Oman)

2.15pm to2.40pm

LDL lowering: how low would you go?

R. Santos (Brazil)

2.40pm to 2.45pm

Q & A

2.45pm to 3pm

Prayer Time

Mini-Symposium (7): Get Your Research Published: Tips from the Editors (3pm to 5.30pm)
HALL A (Al-Majalis Ballroom)

Chairpersons: A. Al-Quorain (KSA), A. Ascione (Italy), T. Perl (USA), A. Zorgani (Libya), F. Khan (Qatar)

3pm to 3.20pm 

Publishing in MENA region: opportunities and challenges  

A-M Kassem (Egypt)

3.25pm to 3.45pm 

How to pick a journal and what to submit?

A. Elzouki (Qatar)

3.50pm to 4.10pm

What do Editors look for in a research manuscript?

D. Taichman (USA)

4.15pm to 4.35pm 

Survive peer review: how to respond to reviewer comments?

S. Beshyah (UAE)

4.40pm to 5pm

Why was my paper rejected?

S. Taheri (Qatar)

5.05pm to 5.25pm

Author's and editors rights and responsibilities: an editor prospective

A. Alzahrani (KSA)

5.25pm to 5.30pm

Q & A 


Mini-Symposium (8): Hospital Medicine/GIM Track: Best Practice in Medicine (3pm to 5.05pm)
HALL B (Al-Rayaan Ballroom)

Chairpersons: H. Alhamad (Qatar), W. Ghadban (Qatar), A. Al-Jameel (KSA),  H. Siddiqui (Qatar)                           

3pm to 3.20pm

Management inpatient diabetes

A. Abou Samra (Qatar)   

3.25pm to 3.45pm

Addressing challenges in the current management strategies of hypercholesterolemia

P. Lensberg (Netherland)

3.50pm to 4.10pm

Venous Thromboembolism: A review of new oral anticoagulant (NOAC) in clinical practice

A. Saeed (UAE) 

4.15pm to 4.35pm

Update in perioperative medicine

S. Eid (USA)

4.40pm to 5pm Approach to patient with confusion N. Sadik (Qatar)

5.05pm to 5.20pm

Update on hospital medicine / Society of Hospital Medicine – Middle East Chapter launch

M. ALhawamdeh (UAE) / A. Kartha (Qatar)

5pm to 5.05pm

Q & A


5.30pm to 5.50pm

Coffee Break, Prayer Time and Poster view


Clinical Debate (1) (5.50pm to 6.40pm)                                                                                                   
Clinical Debate: GLP-1 agonist or pioglitazone after metformin for the treatment of type-2 Diabetes?
HALL A (Al-Majalis Ballroom)
Moderator: M. Eledrisi (Qatar)                                                                                                                                              

5.50pm to 6.10pm

For GLP-1 agonist

R. Malik (Qatar)

6.10pm to 6.30pm

For pioglitazone

M. Abdul-Ghani (Qatar)

6.30pm to 6.40pm

Let's agree

M. Eledrisi (Qatar)

6.45pm to 7pm    

Awards Nomination for the Best Oral and Poster Abstracts / Closing Remarks