Thursday 6 October 2016
10.30am to 3pm
Post Graduate Course
Best Practice in Internal Medicine
Location: Hajar Auditorium, Medical Education Center
Time Title Speaker
8am to 10am Registration / Coffee & Tea will be served
Session 1: Best Practice in Acute Medicine (10am to 11.40am)

Chairpersons: H. Elsyed (Qatar), H. Abdulsatar (Qatar), S. Niruola (Qatar), A. Al-Zubier (Qatar)

10am to 10.20am Hypertensive emergency A. Johns (Qatar)
10.25am to 10.45am Glycemic emergency M. Eledrisi (Qatar) 
10.50am to 11.10am Management of acute bronchial asthma in 2016 W. Ibrahim (Qatar)
11.15am to 11.35am Gastrointestinal bleeding: Basics and essentials M. Al-Muhanadi (Qatar)   
11.40pm to 12.15pm Prayer Time
Session 2: Hepatology at Bedside: What Internists need to know? (12.15pm to 3pm)
(Organized by Hamad Medical Corporation & Mediterranean Association for Study of Liver)

Chairpersons: T. Najjar (Tunisia), M. Derbala (Qatar), M. Uddin (Qatar), A. Ur Rehman (Qatar), Z. Anwer (Qatar) 

12.15pm to 12.35pm Clinical Case Discussion: Variceal bleeding: beyond liver diseases                     A. Badi (Qatar)
12.40pm to 1pm Deranged liver function tests in in pregnancy: facts and fictions Y. Kamal (Qatar)  
1.05pm to 1.25pm Management of small HCC in cirrhotic patients M. Benazzouzz (Morocco)
1.30pm to 1.50pm Why is my cirrhotic patient with ascites not responding to conventional therapies? A. Saggioro (Italy)
1.55pm to 2.15pm How to keep the cirrhotic patient alive? A. Ascione (Italy)
2.15pm to 2.45pm General Discussion All speakers
2.45pm to 3.30pm Lunch and Prayer Time

4pm to 7.30pm
Interactive Workshops (1 – 8)
Location: Bayt Al-Dhiyafah, Hamad Medical City, HMC

Time Subject  Speakers
Workshops 1 - 4: (4pm to 5.30pm)
Rooms: A – D
4pm to 5.30pm Workshop (1):  
Challenges in acute medicine
T. Raza (UK), M. Zahid (Qatar), I Kamal (Qatar), I. Alam (Qatar), Syed Irfan Alam
4pm to 5.30pm Workshop (2): 
Challenging cases in diabetes mellitus: Developing strategies for     the difficult patients in your practice
T. Fiad (UAE), M. Eledresi (Qatar), R. Jasim (Qatar)
4pm to 5.30pm Workshop (3): 
Quality improvement made simple
A. Kartha (Qatar), A. Zafar (Qatar), A. Al-Ani (Qatar), A. Saeed (Qatar), F. Rasoul (Qatar)
4pm to 5.30pm Workshop (4): 
Converting your day-to-day activities into research: Tips and steps
S. Eid (USA), A-N Elzouki (Qatar), F. Khan (Qatar), M. Tourette (Qatar)
5.30pm to 6pm  Coffee Break and Prayer Time 
Workshops 5 - 8: (6pm to 7.30pm)
Rooms: A – D
6pm to 7.30pm Workshop (5): (Organized by Society of Hospital Medicine- USA)
Hospital Care of elderly patients: Challenging clinical cases
S. Eid (USA), M. ALHawamdeh (UAE), A. Kartha (Qatar), 
6pm to 7.30pm Workshop (6): 
Interpretation of pulmonary function tests for internists
H. Mubayed (Qatar), A. Alabbas (Qatar), S. Niruola (Qatar)
6pm to 7.30pm Workshop (7): 
Interpretation of acid-base abnormalities: Case-based discussion
O. Faitori (Qatar), J. Sajid (Qatar), A. Khanji (Qatar)
6pm to 7.30pm Workshop (8): 
Common clinical problems in the primary care of the women 
D. Howard (Qatar), M. Jabre (Qatar), A. Akers (Qatar)  

4pm to 7.30pm
Workshop (9 & 10): Nursing roles across the continuum of patient care
Location: Hajar Auditorium, Medical Education Center, HMC

Time Subject  Speakers
Workshops 9 & 10: (4pm to 7:30pm)
4pm to 5.30pm Workshop (9):
The deteriorating patient – Clinical cases
M. Errayes,  H. Alhamad, S. Khan (Qatar), Mr. Emad (RN), Ms. Norina (RN), Ms. Maha (RN,) Ms. Josephine (RN)
5.30 to 6pm Coffee Break and Prayer Time
6pm to 7.30pm Workshop (10):
Inpatient diabetes management for nurses
J. Butler (RN), S. Beer (Qatar), Samah Ahmed (Qatar)

4pm to 7.30pm
Workshop (11 & 12): Cultural teaching challenges in a clinical environment
Location: Class Rooms 1-3, Medical Education Center, HMC

Time Subject  Speakers
Workshops 11 & 12: (4pm to 7:30pm)
4pm to 5.30pm Workshop (11):     
Cultural teaching challenges in clinical environment - 1
A. Khidir (Qatar), A. Alhammadi (Qatar), M. Wagdy  (Qatar), A. Khidir (Qatar)
5.30 to 6pm Coffee Break and Prayer Time
6pm to 7.30pm Workshop (12):
Professionalism in Medicine
K. Alyafei (Qatar), A. Khidir (Qatar), A. Alhammadi (Qatar), M. Wagdy  (Qatar), A-N Elzouki (Qatar)