​Thursday, 9 February 2023


Venue: ITQAN Clinical Simulation and Innovation Centre Classrooms 1-2
Registration: 3.15pm to 3.30pm




3.30 to 4pm

Challenging Cases in Allergy

A. Chronic Urticaria

Dr. Ramzy Mohammed-Ali (HMC)
Dr. Sara Saeed (HMC)

4pm to 4.30pm

Challenging Cases in Allergy

B. Hereditary Angioedema

Dr. Hassan Mobayed (HMC)
Dr. Asaad Imameldin (HMC)

4.30pm to 5.30pm

Allergy Skin Prick Test 

Dr. Maryam Al-Nesf (HMC)
Dr. Sherin Thalappil (HMC)

5.30pm to 5.45pm

Prayer and Coffee Break

5.45pm to 6.15pm

Challenging Cases in Allergy

A. Anaphylaxis

Dr. Hassan Mobayed (HMC)
Dr. Dalal Mudawi (HMC)

6.15pm to 6.45pm

Challenging Cases in Allergy

B. Severe asthma

Dr. Tayseer Ibrahim  (HMC)

6.45pm to 7.45pm

PFT (Spirometry)

Dr. Salma Taha (HMC)
Dr. Sherin Thalappil  (HMC)
Mousa Hussein (HMC)
Mr. Balamurugan Panneerselvam (HMC)

7.45pm to 8pm

Wrap-up and Closing


Thursday, 9 February 2023


Venue: ITQAN Clinical Simulation and Innovation Centre Classrooms 3-4
Registration: 3.15pm to 3.30pm




3.30pm to 3.40pm

Welcome Message: The importance of nursing in education and leading services

Mrs. Khadija Al Shukaili (HMC)

3.40pm to 4.15pm

Subcutaneous Immunoglobulins Administration

Mr. Slim Ben Neji Hassini (HMC)

Mrs. Soosan Samuel (HMC)

4.15pm to 4.30pm

Questions and Discussions

4.30pm to 5.15pm

Allergy Diagnostics: Role of allergy nurse

Mrs. Yaldez Ibrahim (HMC)

Mrs. Sibi Shibu (HMC)

5.15pm to 5.25pm

Questions and Discussions

5.25pm to 5.45pm

Prayer and Coffee Break

5.45pm to 6.15pm

Asthma Patient Education: Role of educator, nursing, and clinical pharmacist

Mrs. Rama Chatila (HMC)

Mrs. Iman Elsakka (HMC)

6.15pm to 6.45pm

How to Recognise Anaphylaxis and How to use EpiPen

Mrs. Elizabeth Pappen (HMC)

Mrs. Mervat Omar (HMC)

6.45pm to 7pm

Wrap-up and Closing