Hamad Medical Corporation provides highly specialized care to our patients through our outpatient clinics across our network of hospitals.
To see one of our specialists you must have an appointment.
If this is your first appointment at one of our specialized ​clinics, you must have a referral from your primary health care doctor or private clinic. All referrals from Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) will go straight to the Referral Management Office at Hamad Medical Corporation. There, a specialist will review your case and determine the level of urgency. A hospital representative will then call you to arrange an appointment wi​thin the clinically advised time frame and at a​ convenient time for you. For patients referred to HMC by a private provider, you will need to bring the referral to the clinic in question and they will be able to send it to the Referral Management Office for the appointment booking process to start.
Follow up appointments will be made by the booking clerks in the outpatient clinic you are attending.
Patients will not be seen as outpatients at HMC without an appointment. ​
If you need to cancel or change your appointment please contact us as soon as possible on 16060.