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Qatar National Blood Donation Center
What is Blood Donation?
What are the steps of the Blood Donation?
Why I Donate?
Qatar National Blood Donation Center
What is Blood Donation?
What are the steps of the Blood Donation?
Why I Donate?
What is Blood Donation?
Is there any source of blood other than blood donation?
What are blood groups?
Who can receive my type of blood?
What are Blood components?
How often can I donate?
Does donation have any negative effect on my hemoglobin level?
What are the criteria to be met by a blood donor?
Why should I donate my blood?
Who will benefit from my blood donation?
How do I benefit by donating my Blood?
Are there any risks in donating Blood?
Is there any source of blood other than blood donation?
Hospitals and Services
Qatar Blood Services
What is Blood Donation?
Is there any source of blood other than blood donation?
Blood is a vital source of existence. Human being is the sole source of blood as it cannot be manufactured or be replaced by any other substitute i.e. no other sources available yet.