Symptoms of mental health problems can include:
- Mood swings
- Feeling sad or down
- Excessive anxiety, fear, or anger
- Restlessness
- Suicidal thoughts
- Thoughts of self-harm or harming others
The human mental state can be influenced by different factors. Some conditions can be triggered by life events such as the death of a relative, challenges at work, or other emotional trauma.
People who develop Alzheimer or another form of dementia as they age can also experience cognitive decline and related mental health challenges, such as depression.
Other conditions result from a combination of factors; for example, postpartum depression in women may occur due to physiological or psychological reasons after giving birth.
Other possible reasons for mental health problems:
- Traumatic head Injury
- Other existing or undetected health conditions
- Serious infection
- Reactions to prescribed medication
- Intoxication from alcohol and illegal drugs
Whether you are experiencing one or more of those symptoms, it is important to seek help. The Mental Health Service can offer expert assessment and advice.
Ask for help!