In 2010, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) continued its challenging journey of transformation, with the goal of turning its hospitals into true Academic Health Centers. HMC is seeking, as an organization, to evolve into a thriving Academic Health System that links together health, education and research, powered by the synergies between itself and its academic partners.
This highly ambitious partnership is carried out in close collaboration with Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar (WCMC-Q) and other academic partners in Qatar and internationally.
This journey of transformation also includes the forging of meaningful relationships with partners across a wide range of health and allied health-related domains. Our current partners include Qatar University, the University of Calgary – Qatar, College of the North Atlantic – Qatar, Sidra Medical and Research Center, and Primary Health Care Corporation.
Launched in August 2011, the Academic Health System will generate significant positive impact upon patient care, medical education and medical research. The strength of the proposal results from the intertwining of these central activities to improve health and wellbeing whilst expanding the boundaries of knowledge and ensuring a modern, flexible and sustainable workforce. The initiative represents a major milestone in HMC’s development as Qatar’s leading healthcare provider through the delivery of world-class health care, medical education and research excellence. A key element of the initiative will be wider community engagement through developing a deeper social conscience and bestowing tangible economic and health benefits on the community.