Tiffany Christensen
Patient and Family Engagement Specialist North Carolina Quality Center
Tiffany Christensen is the Patient and Family Engagement Specialist at the North Carolina Quality Center, working to operationalize patient and family engagement (PFE) best practices across the state. She approaches her work from the perspective of a life-long patient and a professional patient advocate. Ms. Christensen is a TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer, a Respecting Choices Advance Care Planning Instructor, an APPEAL certificate recipient, and the co-creator of a workshop series for developing and advancing Patient Advisory Councils. Nationally, she works with organizations on starting or improving their Patient and Family Advisory Council programs, addressing burnout with PFE strategies and using TeamSTEPPS for Patients. She is also a nationally recognized public speaker and author of three books that explore advocacy, end-of-life planning, and partnership strategies in healthcare. She is a board member of the Beryl Institute for improving the patient experience, and formerly served as a Duke Hospital patient advocate and as the Program Coordinator for Duke Medicine’s Patient Advisory Council Expansion Program.