At the end of the activity the audience will:
- Be able to know the application, indications, and limitations of musculoskeletal ultrasound in rheumatology.
- Be able to know the ultrasound physics and technology.
- Be able to identify the sonographic pattern of the different musculoskeletal tissues.
- Be able to recognize musculoskeletal artifacts and pitfalls.
- Learn how to hold the probe, to optimize the B-mode settings of the ultrasound equipment and to acquire ultrasound images.
- Be able to identify normal sonographic anatomy of each major anatomic area (i.e., shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot).
- Learn the systematic standardized scanning technique for each major anatomic area (i.e., shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot).
- Be able to document images and to report ultrasound findings and diagnosis.
- Be able to identify basic musculoskeletal abnormalities (e.g. joint effusion and synovial hypertrophy, tenosynovitis, enthesopathy, complete tendon tear, bursitis, bone erosions and osteophytes
Day 1 (October 06, 2022) Intermediate Level
8:30am to 8:35am
Opening Izzat Khanjar /EULAR Faculty
5 mins
8:35am to 8:50am
Pretest MCQs
15 mins
8:50am to 9:35am
Shoulder (Lecture) Georgios Filippou
Cat 1
45 mins
9:35am to 11:05am
Shoulder (Workshop) All Faculty
Cat 3
90 mins
11:05am to 11:25am
Coffee break
20 mins
11:25am to 12:10pm
Physics (Lecture) Uffe Moller Døhn
Cat 1
45 mins
12:10pm to 12:55pm
Elbow (Lecture) Mihaela Cosmina Micu
Cat 1
45 mins
12:55pm to 2:25pm
Elbow (Workshop) All Faculty
Cat 3
90 mins
2:25pm to 3:55pm
Lunch and Prayer Break
90 mins
3:55pm to 4:40pm
Hand/Wrist (Lecture) Schmidt Wolfgang Andreas
Cat 1
45 mins
Day 2 (October 07, 2022) Intermediate Level
8am to 9:30am
Hand (Workshop) All Faculty
Cat 3
90 mins
9:30am to 10am
Hip Sono-Anatomy /Abnormal (Lecture) Ingrid Moller Parera
Cat 1
30 mins
10am to 10:15am
Coffee break
15 mins
10:15am to 10:45am
Knee Sono-Anatomy / Abnormal (Lecture) Nemanja Damjanov
Cat 1
30 mins
10:45am to 11:15am
Ankle / Feet (Lecture) Hilde Berner Hammer
Cat 1
30 mins
11:15am to 12:15pm
Lunch and Prayer Break
60 mins
12:15pm to 1:45pm
Hip (Workshop) All Faculty
Cat 3
90 mins
1:45pm to 3:15pm
Knee (Workshop) All Faculty
Cat 3
90 mins
3:15pm to 4:15pm
Overview of MSK Ultrasound Guide Procedure
Esperanza Naredo Sanchez
Cat 1
60 mins
4:15pm to 4:45pm
Coffee Break
30 mins
4:45pm to 6:15pm
Ankle / Foot (Workshop) All Faculty
Cat 3
90 mins
6:15pm to 6:20pm
Closing Remarks Izzat Khanjar/Esperanza Naredo Sanchez/ Eular Faculty
5 mins