Dr. Ammira Al-Shabeeb

Dr. Ammira Al-Shabeeb
is a Principal Investigator and the head of Precision Medicine of Diabetes and Obesity research program at Sidra Medicine. She completed her Ph.D. in molecular genetics from University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia. She also obtained diploma in university teaching and learning (UNSW), and an International Executive master’s in business administration EMBA from HEC- Paris business school for Executive Education. After her Ph.D., she conducted three postdoctoral fellowship programs in pediatric infectious diseases, myeloma cancer drug targeting and genetics of type 1 diabetes. During her years of post-PhD training, she gained broad experience in cellular and molecular genetics through her appointments at the School of Medicine, Children Hospital of Westmead and Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and cell Biology (University of Sydney); laboratory testing organs donors for blood borne viruses and school of Women’s and Children’s health (Prince of Wales Hospital and University of new South Wales).

Dr. Ammira started a new chapter of her career by moving to Qatar to work at Sidra Medicine research department in 2016. She started her research group in 2019 with strategic goal of developing a world class and internationally recognized research programs within the area of diabetes and associated complications. Over the years of training and independent career, she has sustained a very high research profile with a career total competitive grant funding award of over $6 Million USD with (Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation (Australia), Diabetes Australia Research Trust DART(Australia), Australasia Pediatric Endocrine Group APEG(Australia), Qatar National Research Fund (Qatar), Sidra Medicine Internal Research Fund (Qatar) and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation JDRF (USA). Currently, she leads research in developing the Genetic Risk Scores for diabetes and its complications in addition to developing genomic newborn screening for type 1 diabetes programs (through JDRF Strategic Research Agreement Award, SRA 201309374 and Sidra Medicine, Internal Research Fund SDR200078).

Research Strategy:

  • Develop world-class research projects utilizing advances research technologies.
  • Build the foundation of the research ecosystem in Qatar focusing on implementing precision medicine strategies.
  • Train the next generation Qatari young scientists and investigators.
  • Connect with the best national and international clinicians and researchers.