What are the tonsils?
The tonsils are two glands on each side of the throat, they play a role in the immunity of children and usually become small and less functioning with age
What is adenoid?
It is a gland in the back of the nose, play a role with the tonsil in the immunity in children and usually become smaller and less functioning with age
What is adenotonsillectomy?
Procedure to remove the tonsils and adenoid under general anesthesia, as a day care or one-night admission. The surgery will take 30-40 minutes
Why has my doctor recommended an adenotonsillectomy?
Your doctor will discuss with you the decision for adenotonsillectomy and may offer the procedure in case of recurrent infection, airway obstruction, an adenotonsillectomy can be done alone or with an examination of the ear.
How is the adenotonsillectomy procedure done?
It is done through the mouth, no external cuts, by using heat with low temperature (monopolar or bipolar) to control bleeding, sutures may be added to the area of the tonsil after removing it.
Possible complication?
- Fever, pain, ear pain, nausea, vomiting, dehydration also regurgitation of food from nose
- Reoperation of adenoid
What to expect after your surgery?- Pain is expected after surgery and may increase in the first 5-7 days
- Pain may radiate to ears
- You may notice snoring in the first few days
- A white patch may cover the surgical site in the first few weeks
You may notice a strange smell from the mouth in the first week
You will be booked for your follow up appointments before you go home
At Home care:
- Take medication on time (especially pain medication)
- Sleep in normal position, use a cold towel around the neck for pain
- Food to be in room temperature or lower
- Eat a normal diet and drink second day & lots of fluid (adjust the diet as tolerated)
- Drink fluid mainly after meals, before sleep and early morning
- Avoid spicy food and hard sharp food (as nuts and chips)
- Avoid heavy exercise in the first 2 weeks
- Avoid contact with a patient having flue, runny nose
- Avoid traveling for 2 weeks
- Take medication as directed.
When to come to emergency:
If you are spitting or vomiting blood go directly to your nearest emergency department