Has your child been diagnosed with diabetes?When your child is diagnosed with diabetes it is understandable that your reaction will be an emotional one. You may feel many emotions, including anger, guilt, frustration and fear of what the future may hold. HMC wants to help you understand your child’s condition and what to expect from our services in order to enable your child to live a healthy and productive life by effectively managing the disease.
The first steps
Upon diagnosis, you will receive comprehensive support from our diabetes team; this includes:
- Consultations and advice from a diabetes specialist and dietician
- A continuation of care; we will guide you through your long-term care plan
- Education - helping you to make the right decisions about your child’s lifestyle
It is important to note that managing your child’s diabetes will be a commitment for the entire family and you will become familiar with medication and insulin, changes to diet and activity, the psychology of diabetes and how it affects you and your child.
The first few months
The first few months after diagnosis may be challenging and we are here to offer our complete support and guidance. You will have regular appointments with the diabetes team and will be provided with a 24 hour telephone number in case of an emergency. The more you and your child understand about the condition, the easier it will be to manage and control.
Long-term stability
There will come a time when you are able to effectively manage your child’s condition with little support from our specialist team. Please note that, even at this stage, your HMC care team is accessible to you should you have any queries or concerns. Your child will also receive a regular health check to monitor his/her development. As your child gets older we will assist you with educating your child to make the best decisions and continue the level of care you have been providing so that they can successfully manage the transition into living with diabetes as an adult.