Although you may not want to think about complications, they do occur. Every year, approximately 2,000 babies are admitted to our NICU. You can take comfort in knowing that should the need arise; WWRC is home to one of the largest, most skilled Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) units in the region.
Babies are often admitted within the first 24 hours after birth for a variety of reasons, including premature birth, difficulties during delivery, and/or signs of a problem during the first few days of life. No matter what the issue, our NICU is equipped and expertly staffed to respond.
Recently expanded to offer 112 cots, our NICU provides state-of-the-art medical equipment that will ensure your baby is being cared for in the most technically advanced environment. Our NICU will also be equipped with 2 isolation rooms to accommodate any babies with infections.
The unit is located across two floors offering a spacious environment for you and your family. Each floor provides a mix of different levels of care depending on the complexity of your baby’s needs.
The new facility will enable our patients and their care teams to have improved access to critically ill newborns, eliminating the need to move them to different locations during the different stages of their recovery. This means better continuity of care as babies will be cared for by the same members of our clinical teams for the duration of their time with us. The newborns will also have improved opportunities to bond with their parents, ultimately contributing to a quicker recovery.
Your baby can be transferred to the NICU directly after birth or brought to us from another facility through our Qatar Neonatal Transport Program.