We understand how important it is for your birthing experience to go according to plan. Although this may not always be possible, we will do everything we can to support your birthing plan as far as it is clinically safe to do so. Your nursing and midwifery team will work with your doctor or the doctor on call to support you and communicate your birthing plan to the team caring for you.
If have a normal pregnancy your midwife will support you throughout your labor and will deliver your baby. We will only recommend a physician led delivery if your health or that of your baby is at risk.
If you or your baby show signs of distress or your baby simply cannot pass through your birth canal you may require an unplanned caesarian section. Your doctor will keep you fully informed should this be a possibility as your labor progresses and you will be offered all the advice you need. As this is a surgical procedure, your consent to a c-section would need to be given.