​We understand that if your pregnancy requires a surgical delivery you may be apprehensive and worried. You can be reassured that you are in safe hands and the clinical team that will deliver your baby are highly trained and experienced in caesarian section deliveries.

Before your surgery is scheduled, you will have an appointment with one of our doctors in the Outpatient Department of WWRC who will help to answer any questions you may have and put your mind at ease about what will happen on the day of delivery.

Your doctor will review your health history and do any necessary tests. We know you may be feeling apprehensive, so we will ensure there is enough time for you to discuss whatever you need to know about the procedure such as how to prepare, what happens on the day of the surgery, during delivery and what to expect afterwards. One of your pre-operative appointments will include a visit with one of our anesthetists at our Ambulatory Care Center (ACC). This facility is connected to WWRC and is a facility that offers day surgery and medical procedures to our patients at a single convenient location. During this appointment, the anesthetist will meet with you to discuss the type of anesthetic that will be used. Spinal anesthetic is the usual choice for this type of surgery however both epidural and general anesthetics can be used in certain circumstances as well. The choice of anesthetic will depend on the reason for the surgery, your health and the health of your baby, your preference, and the assessment of your anesthesiologist and obstetrician.

 It is very important to inform your anesthesiologist at this meeting of any medical illnesses, allergies or previous problems with anesthetics, so that the safest method of anesthesia can be provided for you and your baby.