To address the growing number of women like you diagnosed with diabetes, WWRC’s Outpatient Department offers an advanced diabetes service dedicated to helping those of you diagnosed with diabetes prior to or during pregnancy.

Diabetes clinics are offered across eight outpatient rooms, and are dedicated to providing patients with a specialized diabetes management program tailored to each individual patient. Patients will be offered access to daily nutritional counseling, information about preventative measures to avoid becoming diabetic and education on managing the disease during pregnancy.

This unique diabetes program takes a multidisciplinary approach to working with you to manage your diabetes and any related complications. You will receive comprehensive, one-stop care in our clinic that will help you to manage your diet, weight, blood pressure, and medications, increase your physical activity, and self-manage and monitor your blood glucose levels.

No matter what complications you may have, we want you to take comfort in knowing that WWRC will ensure you are fully supported in managing your diabetes by specialized teams made up of diabetic educators, dietitians and clinicians who are specialized in pre-existing diabetes or gestational diabetes. They will be there with you every step of the way to ensure you receive individualized attention and continuity of care that will help you achieve the healthiest childbirth experience possible.