​​About the Infection Control Department

The prevention and control of infections has always been the top priority of the Infection Prevention and Control Department to ensure delivery of safe care is met, through consistent implementation of policies and procedure and application of Infection Prevention and Control Program in patient care, emergency preparedness, influx of communicable diseases, and during outbreaks.

The creation of Infection Prevention and Control Program establishes a clear pathway to obtain objectives and goals. This is made possible through utilization and implementation of different plans and risk assessment along with key performance tools to measure efficacy and efficiency. Ongoing results of these performances are constantly measured and validated to maintain excellent implementation of infection control best practices to achieve optimum quality and safety for both healthcare workers and patients alike.

The drive of Infection Prevention and Control Program is to promote quality care and upholding utmost safety to our patients, health care workers and visitors. This is to be achieved using sound epidemiological principles and scientific based decision-making in addition to our commitment of excellence and, respectful patient care. The purpose of the program is to: 
  1. Protect the patient by minimizing the risk of transmission of infections associated with the use of procedures, medical equipment, and medical devices, thus reducing healthcare associated infection. 

  2. Protect health care workers, visitors and others in the healthcare environment which is accomplished by limiting unprotected exposure to pathogens by using administrative controls, engineering controls, isolation, hand hygiene, barrier precautions, including personal protective equipment, case investigation, education, immunization and employee health programs that protect employees from job related exposures.