Joanne Watson
Deputy Medical Director Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Joanne Watson, MD, FRCP, MBBS, Deputy Medical Director, Torban and Devon NHS Foundation Trust. Joanne Watson graduated from UMDS (London) in 1991. She trained as a physician in Wessex specialising in endocrinology and diabetes. Her doctorate is in the effects of caffeine on the physiological responses to hypoglycaemia. Her first consultant position was in Taunton and Somerset NHS FT in 2001. She deviated from this traditional career path in 2008 with a 12 month Fellowship at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and Harvard School of Public Health. Here she developed expertise in quality improvement particularly in patient centred care and patient experience. Since returning to the UK in 2009, she has held local and national roles where she has applied her QI skills, including the Point of Care Programme for the King’s Fund and Clinical Director for Women’s and Children’s Services. This year she moved to Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust as Deputy Medical Director, to head up QI there and implement a new care model for long term conditions.