Dr. Susan Waller
Assistant professor in the Department of Medical Education at the UAE University

Dr. Susan Waller is an experienced physiotherapist, health professional educator, researcher, and curriculum designer.

As assistant professor in the Department of Medical Education at the UAE University, Susan has worked on the revision of workplace-based learning in the clinical years, on developing a mentoring program to support the introduction of a student e-portfolio and coordinated the preclinical clinical skills program.

Prior to joining UAEU in 2021, Susan designed and facilitated courses and workshops across Australia and internationally on interprofessional education and clinical supervision. Susan’s PhD, completed at the University of Queensland, was in Interprofessional Clinical Education. In the past 5 years, Susan has contributed to 22 peer reviewed papers, 4 government reports and 2 book chapters.

She has been a member of teams which have attracted just under 2 million dollars in grant support. Susan continues her affiliation with Monash University, Australia as an adjunct Senior Research Fellow.