Lana Halaseh, MD, MCFP (COE), FCGS
Associate Professor, The University of Jordan (UJ)
Consultant Family Physician, Geriatric Specialist and Hospitalist
- Program Director of undergraduate family medicine training
- Former Program Director of family medicine residency program
- Jordanian Board of Family Medicine
- Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC)
- Fellow of the Canadian Geriatric Society (CGS)
- Member of the Canadian College of Family Physicians (Care of the Elderly)
- Member of the American Geriatric Society (AGS)
- Council member of the International Institute on Ageing- INIA/ UN
- Faculty member of the Middle East Academy for Medicine of Aging (MEAMA).
Dr. Halaseh is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the program director of Family Medicine Training. She is a graduate of the University of Jordan’s School of Medicine. She had worked as a Teaching and Research Assistant before she pursued her subspecialties in Geriatrics and Hospital Medicine at the University of Toronto/ Canada.
Dr. Halaseh's practice encompasses a myriad of family medicine, geriatric care, and hospital medicine. She has published research papers in different topics in family medicine and geriatric care. Her primary interested is in geriatric syndromes especially mental health. (