Dr. Abdelilah Arredouani
Senior scientist 
Diabetes Research Center at QBRI 
Associate professor in the college of health and life sciences
Diabetes Research Center
Qatar Biomedical Research Institute

Dr. Abdelilah Arredouani is as a senior scientist in the Diabetes Research Center at QBRI and Associate professor in the college of health and life sciences. He holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine at University of Louvain-La-Neuve in Belgium. Prior to joining QBRI he worked in Netherlands at the Department of Neurosciences in Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, in United Kingdom at the Department of Pharmacology in Oxford University, and in Qatar at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics in Weill Cornell Medicine. 

Since joining QBRI in 2012, Dr. Arredouani has been involved in projects related to the identification of biomarkers to predict type 2 diabetes using systems biology approaches. He has published in high impact peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Nature Chemical Biology, Current Biology, Diabetes and JBC.