Kate Hilton
Faculty at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement,Leadership Director in the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program at the George Washington University
Kate Hilton is Faculty at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and Leadership Director in the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program at the George Washington University. She is a Founding Director and Senior Consultant at ReThink Health where she supports the design and implementation of large-scale community and health system improvement initiatives with partners like the United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the National Health Service of England. Kate serves as Faculty in the Rockefeller Leadership Fellows and Management & Leadership Development Program at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute for Public Policy at Dartmouth College, and she is a Principal in Practice for the Leading Change Network at Harvard University. She lives in Hanover, New Hampshire, with her husband and two sons.
Kate equips people around the world to build individual and organizational capability to address the adaptive, human-side of change to improve health, wellbeing and equity. She trains, coaches and authors white papers and peer-reviewed articles on the subject, including IHI's Psychology of Change Framework.