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Dr. Sharda Udassi

Sidra, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Senior Attending Physician

Dr. Sharda Udassi is Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine and Senior Attending at Sidra Medicine. She has done American Board of Medical Quality (ABMQ) Certification in Medical Quality, in addition to completion of International Society for Quality in Healthcare fellowship, Florida Medical Association Leadership Academy and University of Florida Leadership certification training. Currently doing 1 year Improvement Advisor Program with Institute of Healthcare Improvement. She completed her master educator fellowship at University of Florida, after pediatric residency in Syracuse, NY. Dr Udassi serves as Physician Director of Quality for Children’s Services including Pediatric Medicine Department and also Medical Director of Outpatient Pediatric Infusion Center. She previous served as Sidra Medical Director of Quality (Acting). She currently chairs and serves as member on numerous committees/workgroups. 

Dr Udassi established/chaired or served in multiple committees at department, hospital, University, Florida state and national level in US, leading to awards for her contributions. Dr Udassi was treasurer for Florida Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics board of governors. She was active member of Florida Medical Association and it’s Council on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Program. She served as director of Pediatric Intermediate Care Unit, Pediatric Unit, Pediatric Clinic and established Pediatric procedural sedation service. Dr Udassi’s research career is focused on CPR quality. She currently serves on editorial boards, has numerous abstracts and publications including 2 Pediatric textbook chapters, served as reviewer for various journals and Pediatric Academic Society workshops and done numerous international presentations. At Sidra, she was appointed as Pediatric Residency and General Pediatrics Fellowship site director during transition and co-lead the Sidra mentorship program and Faculty Educators Workgroup development.

Next and future Career Plan
My current career interest is taking leadership role as division chief and/or chief quality officer, along with engagement in medical education. In future having the resources and support to move forward to the next career stage of becoming Dean of Clinical Affairs or faculty affairs-where I can continue to combine my interest in helping enhance faculty skills through quality improvement and education. This would be done parallel to getting myself recognized as international name in quality improvement education.
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