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Dr. Samar Al-Emadi

Senior Consultant Rheumatologist, Fellowship Program Director in Rheumatology, Head of Rheumatology Division

Dr. Samar Al-Emadi is a Senior Consultant Rheumatologist, Fellowship Program Director in Rheumatology, and is the Head of Rheumatology Division at Hamad General Hospital, Qatar. She is also an Assistant Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar and is a faculty member for Clinical Teaching Program in Hamad Medical Corporation and Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, and Stanford Faculty Development Center for Clinical Teachers.

Dr. Al-Emadi received her medical degree from the King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, KSA. She had her internship and part of her residency at Hamad General Hospital followed by residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Western in London Ontario, Canada. She then completed her Rheumatology fellowship at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada afterwards completed her fellowship training in pregnancy and rheumatic disease for 6 months with Professor Carl Laskin. She has been certified in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology from the Royal College of Physician and Surgeon of Canada, and the American board of internal medicine and Rheumatology. In 2005, she was able to establish a pregnancy and rheumatic disease clinic in Hamad General Hospital.

Currently, Dr. Samar Al-Emadi is a member of multiple corporate committees, member of the Governance and Strategy of Hamad Medical Corporation Research Committee, Hamad Medical Corporation IRB, and Steering Committee for OPD Development. She is also a member of multiple committees locally and regionally, multiple advisory boards. 

Dr. Al-Emadi has received multiple research grants one of which is the QNRF Grant to study Genetics of RA in Arab countries, a multinational study. She already has several publication in peer reviewed journals, and is also involved in multiple RCT as a PI and Co-PI.

Dr. Al Emadi is a speaker in multiple local and regional conferences.
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