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Dr. Rajeev Kumar

Senior consultant psychiatrist

Dr Rajeev Kumar is currently working as a senior consultation-liaison (CL) psychiatrist at HMC. He joined HMC in Feb 2018. Prior to joining HMC, he has been a senior consultant psychiatrist in Australia for 25 years. He is also an A/Professor of psychiatry at the Australian National University. He completed a PhD at the Australian National University in neuropsychiatric epidemiology and neuroimaging under the mentorship of Professors Anthony F Jorm and Perminder Sachdev. He has published widely in the area of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia, structural neuroimaging, successful ageing, and drug-induced movement disorders.
He is actively involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision. He has a special interest in the clinical management of psychiatric disorders with co-morbid medical conditions. He has received several international awards previously and recently he received the Star of Excellence by the HMC in recognition of achieving excellence in education. He is also an active member of the European Association of CL Psychiatry, American Academy of CL Psychiatry, and Member of Australian CL Psychiatry (RNAZCP). 
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