Joey Daniel
Manager-Policy and Procedures Management Department, PHCC
Joey Daniel is Managing the Quality Improvement and the Policy and Procedures Departments in Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), which is an independent governmental corporation that manages 28 Health Centers serving the whole population in the state of Qatar. Joey is a Healthcare Management professional who is originally from Lebanon and working and residing in Qatar. Joey started his career in Lebanon in 2003 where he contributed to the establishment of two National non-communicable disease Registries (Cancer and Interventional cardiology) and co-authored their corresponding first National Reports and publications. Joey found his passion for Quality Management in 2007 upon completion of his Masters studies and embarked on the quality Journey as a Quality and Risk Manager for a Secondary Care Hospital in Lebanon. Joey was teaching a course on Healthcare Management at the University of Balamand-Lebanon in 2010 before moving to Qatar in 2011 where he Joined Primary Health Care Corporation as part of the Quality and Patient Safety Directorate and worked on establishing the Policy and procedures Management Department and automating its processes. Joey Holds a Masters of Public Health Degree with a concentration in Health Management and Policy from the American University of Beirut, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Promotion from the University of Balamand-Lebanon. Joey has recently completed his 7th year in Primary Health Care Corporation and is currently Managing the Quality Improvement and Policy and Procedures departments.