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Dr. Jawed Iqbal

Senior Quality Improvement Reviewer

Dr. Jawed Iqbal is senior quality improvement reviewer in an acting position at Hamad Healthcare Quality Institute.  Dr. Iqbal has obtained his post-graduation in healthcare & hospital administration from the Calcutta University, India in 2008. 
He underwent “Clinical Care Improvement Training Program (CCITP)” and “HMC-JCR Quality Management Education Program (QMEP)” from Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC).  Dr. Iqbal is currently pursuing IHI’s Improvement Advisor Professional Development Program from Institute of Healthcare Improvement.  
Prior to joining HMC, he worked for more than five years in big public & private hospitals. His core competency included but not limited to Quality Improvement; Accreditation (NABL, NABH, JCI); Hospital Operations; Clinical Administration and Project Management. 

Currently at HMC, he is substantially contributing in Capacity & Capability development through ILP & CCITP programs and Qatar National Patient Safety Collaborative. 
His past assignments in HMC includes OPD transformation program - implementation of fixed time appointment system across HMC; a Six Sigma project on HGH OPD laboratory pre-analytical process improvement; involved in JCI survey, Medicine Improvement Program on development and implementation of clinical pathways, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery and implementation of Surgical Tracking Office (STO).
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