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Dr. Fawziya Al-Khalaf

Sidra , Senior Consultant and Head of Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes

Nationally, Dr. Al Khalaf is recognized for her sizeable contributions to pediatric diabetes healthcare and has held several key administrative and clinical leadership roles in the State of Qatar. She established the country’s first pediatric diabetes day care program. She led Pediatric Diabetes Planning in Qatar National diabetes strategy and led the formation of the National Plan for Pediatric diabetes Services.
Dr. Al khalaf sits on the board of Qatar Metabolic Institute, Hamad medical corporation Committee of JCI Clinical Care Program Certification for Diabetes.
Internationally, Dr Al-Khalaf is a member in Pediatric endocrine Society and American association of clinical endocrinologist, member in International Society of Pediatric and adolescent Diabetes. The board member in Arab Society of Pediatric Endocrinology/ Diabetes,

Dr. Al Khalaf has been the recipient of a number of awards and commendations, including the “Star of Excellence for National Diabetes Centre” and ‘’Appreciation for the dedicated and outstanding work toward the execution of National Diabetes Strategy’’. Also o she received leadership Award in recognition of outstanding achievement in the leadership category
Dr. Al-Khalaf completed her pediatric residency at the Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar and subsequently completed a Fellowship in Pediatric Endocrinology at the Weill Cornell medical college in New York .She is Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Weil Cornell Medical College. From 2011, served as head of Pediatric Endocrinology /Diabetes division at HMC Qatar. She was appointed as Interim chief of Pediatric Endocrine/Diabetic Division, Sidra Medicine from 11 June 2014 till October 2016.
Currently she is Senior Consultant and Head of Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes at Sidra Medicine.

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