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Brendon Morris

COO Ambulance Service

Brendon Morris holds a Master’s Degree in Emergency Medical Care with additional graduate and undergraduate qualifications in the field of Emergency Services. Brendon currently resides with his family in Qatar where he works as Executive Director of the state’s national Ambulance Service Provider (Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service). In this role he has played a central role in the design and roll out of Qatar’s national health sector, system wide major incident command and control system. 
Before his move to the Middle East in 2010, Brendon was based in The Netherlands from where he provided consultation to over 50 countries emergency services. This included work for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other NGOs. 

Some of the major projects Brendon has been involved in include:
  • WHO “Prehospital Trauma Care Systems” development guidelines
  • UN “International Urban Search & Rescue Advisory Group” guideline review and research
  • World Bank supported “Global Road Safety Partnership” post crash response systems development
Before being resident in the Netherlands, Brendon lived in South Africa where he worked in various Emergency Medical Services as well as having a part-time academic role at the Durban University of Technology, Department of Emergency Medical Care and Rescue. 

Brendon’s primary area of expertise is the development of emergency service systems with specific consideration given to cultural and infrastructural aspects of local environments. This includes the creation of management and governance structures to ensure organisational resilience. He also has a specific interest in multiagency management of trapped victims including extensive work in the area of medical rescue operations following large scale earthquakes and transport disasters. 
Brendon is the author of “Vehicle Extrication Techniques” (available in over 12 languages with some 200 000 copies in circulation) and “Emergency Shoring & Lifting Techniques” along with various articles and papers published by international emergency service journals.

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