Dr. Alla El Awaisi
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at the College of Pharmacy, Qatar University
Dr Alla El-Awaisi is an experienced academic administrator possessing creativity, innovation and dedication to her field. She has led a number of significant initiatives and is a leader in interprofessional education. Prior to her academic career, she was an experienced Clinical Pharmacist in Scotland. She worked with different prescribers at different settings to implement prescribing strategies and undertook projects to promote quality and cost-effective prescribing. Currently, she is a very active member of the College of Pharmacy Academic team, in Qatar University, to prepare pharmacy students to provide optimal pharmaceutical care and advance health care outcomes. Additionally, in March 2014 she has been promoted to the position of Assistant Dean of Student Affairs where she provide guidance and leadership to enhance students’ learning experience at the College of Pharmacy. She is also the founding Chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee since 2014 and has been a leading a successful IPE initiatives locally and internationally. She won many awards including the Best Oral Presentation Award at the Second International Gulf Clinical Skills and Simulation Conference in Kuwait, First prize for the Best Poster Presentation at the Global Medical & Health Education 2015 Forum and was the runner up for Qatar University Outstanding Faculty Service Award. She led the organization of the First Middle Eastern Conference on Interprofessional Education in December 2015 and led the successful bid to host the tenth edition of the All Together Better Health (ATBH) conference in October, 2020 in Qatar, bringing the biennial event to the Middle East for the first time. Her research expertise lies in the area of interprofessional education, collaborative practice, pharmacy & medical education and pharmacy practice and has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals in addition to many poster and oral presentations in regional and international conferences.