Dr. Shereen ElAzzazy, RPH, BSc Pharm, PharmD, CACP
Asst. Director of Pharmacy - Clinical Services
National Center of Cancer Care and Research NCCCR, HMC
Lecturer, College of Pharmacy, QU
Dr. Shereen Elazzazy is an Asst. Director of Pharmacy - Clinical Services in the National Center for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR). She received her Bachelor in Pharmaceutical science from Egypt in 1997, and Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University, USA in 2011. She has extensive experience in hospital, clinical and industrial pharmacy settings working in Egypt, KSA, and Qatar, and she completed clinical internship in the United States. Her areas of expertise are mainly oncology, nutrition, palliative care, aseptic pharmaceutical preparations and pharmaceutical registration / regulations. Currently, she is an Adjunct Clinical Faculty/ Clinical Instructor/ Preceptor in College of Pharmacy, Qatar University, a local mentor for Pharmacy School, Queen’s University in UK, and a Clinical Sponsor for PharmD program, University of Colorado in USA. Dr. Shereen has numerous peer-reviewed publications and active presentations in national, regional and international events. Plus, she is an editor for different international Journals