Day Two - Saturday, 18 November




8am to 8.30am

Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Concepts and Components

Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner. PharmD, BCPP

8.30am to 9am

CPD: Current Status of Pharmacy Educational Activities in HMC

Dr. Palli Abdulrouf , BPharm, MPharm, MSc, PhD

9am to 9.30am

Updates in the Management of Diabetes

Dr. Zach Weber, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CDE

9.30am to 10am

Updates in the Treatment of Diabetes in Children

Dr. Amr Soliman, PharmD, BCCCP, BCPS

10am to 10.30am

Gestational Diabetes: Screening and Management

Dr. Mohsen Eledrisi, MD, FACE, FACP

10.30am to 10:45am

Coffee Break

10.45am to 11.15am

Implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs: One Size Does Not Fit All

Dr. Douglas N. Fish, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM, BCPS AQ ID

Workshop 4

10.45am to 12.15pm

Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Set-up and Monitoring  

Dr. Karl F. Gumpper, MSMI, RPh, BCPS, CPHIMS, FASHP

11.15am to 11.45am

Antimicrobial Stewardship ,HMC Perspective and Experience

Dr. Eyad Al Madhoun, MSc. Clinical Pharmacy, BCPS

11.45am to 12.15pm

Updates and Controversies in Infectious Diseases

Dr. Shane Pawluk, BSc(Pharm), ACPR, PharmD

12.15pm to 1.15pm


1.15pm to  1.45pm

Current Adoption and Safety of Technology in US Healthcare

Dr. Karl F. Gumpper, MSMI, RPh, BCPS, CPHIMS, FASHP

1.15pm to  2.15pm

Panel Discussion:

Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation Challenges

Dr. Douglas N. Fish, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM, BCPS AQ ID   

1.45pm to 2.15pm

Implementation of New Technology for Optimizing Safe Medication Use (Smart Infusion Pump

Dr. Somaya Al Yafei,  BSc Pharm, PharmD, CACP

2.15pm to  2.30pm

Coffee Break

2.30pm to 3pm

Polypharmacy: A Balancing Act

Prof. Cristin Ryan. PhD, MPharm, PGCHET, FHEA

3pm to 3.30pm 

Should We Permit Doping in Sport

Prof. David Mottram B.Pharm., Ph.D., F.R Pharm. S.


Closing Ceremony