We invite you to submit your scientific work as an abstract to the forthcoming 2nd Qatar Allergy and Immunology Conference which will be held from 9 to 11 February 2023 (Hybrid).
Following a peer review process, accepted abstracts of the highest quality will be published as a supplement in the Qatar Medical Journal.
Abstracts can be oral, poster or case reports.
Please follow the abstract submission guidelines below:
- Allergy Diagnosis: Anaphylaxis, asthma, Drug and food allergy, Insect Venom allergy, Occupational Allergy, Ocular Allergy, and others (adults/ pediatrics)
- Atopic dermatitis, urticaria/ angioedema, or other skin disorders
- Allergic rhinitis, Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis or other ENT-related disorders
- Gastrointestinal-related allergic disease
- COVID-19 disease and immune system or respiratory systems
- Basic Immunology, Immunodeficiency (primary or secondary), and Autoimmunity
- Immunomodulators/ biologics/ immunotherapy
- Prevention of allergy
- Environmental Allergy and Climate Change
- Molecular Biology of allergy and immunology (Biomarkers, OMICS and microbiome)
- Quality, health, service development and medical education in allergy and immunology
- Infections and immune system
- Case reports
- Miscellaneous
Specialty practitioners are welcomed from:
- Allergy and immunology
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Primary healthcare
- Emergency
- Dermatology
- Pulmonary
- Family medicine
- Preventive medicine
- Systems medicine Including Haematology, Rheumatology, and others
- Nurses, Pharmacists, and clinical scientists
- The work covered by the abstract must not have been presented at a national or international meeting or published in any journal before the presentation at the 2nd Qatar Allergy and Immunology Conference.
Format: Only Word document format is acceptable. The abstract can be structured or unstructured research work.
If structured to follow this format: Background or Objectives / Methods/ Results/ Conclusion/ References (2-3) and acknowledgements (Optional).
For case reports use: Introduction, case report, and conclusion structure.
Authorship: You are allowed an unlimited number of authors for your research work; however, only a maximum of 6 authors for case reports. A maximum of two Abstracts are allowed per author.
Please add the list of all contributing authors and their affiliations.
Word count: Abstracts are limited to 1,950 characters (about 300-350 words). This includes the text and one graph or table. but not the title or authors. All graphics (figures) and text-based graphics (tables) should be provided as 72-300 dpi, pre-sized .gif, .jpg or .tiff images only, with a maximum width of 440 pixels (no limit on length). Black-and-white digital images should be in grayscale mode. Color images should be saved in RGB color mode. Addition of an image, whether a figure or a table, deducts 250 characters. Spaces do not count as characters.
Review process: The scientific committee will review all the abstracts submitted, and the submitting (or corresponding) author will be informed about the committee’s decision.
Submission: Submit your abstract to
Please add to your email:
- Permission to publish: Please give us permission to publish your submission on electronic media and in hardcopy if it is accepted for presentation.
- Authors’ approval: Please confirm that this submission has been approved by all authors.
- Author will attend: Please confirm that at least one author will register in full to attend and present the abstract at the Conference. (Please refer to point 10 below).
- Presentation mode: Please choose whether you want to present your abstract orally or as a poster presentation. (This will not be guaranteed but keep us updated on your preference).
Presentation: Accepted abstracts are expected to present their studies in a poster format. The poster will be printed by the conference and displayed in the poster exhibition area. Six Abstracts will be selected for oral presentations only and will not be displayed as posters.
Registration: Abstract Submission is free of charge. Additionally, the submitting/presenting author of the oral/poster accepted abstract will be offered free registration for the whole conference.
Enquiries: Please contact Dr. Tayseer Ibrahim (Tibrahim2@hamad.qa) if you have any questions.
Deadline for submission:
3 February 2023. You will receive notification of the scientific committee decision by
5 February 2023.